KDE Community

Connect to the #kde-soc channel on freenode, introduce yourself, and have a conversation with someone.

  1. To connect to IRC, you can install any IRC client like Konversation, Riot, Hexchat etc. on Linux, mIRC on Windows, Colloquoy on Mac, or visit webchat.freenode.net in your browser.
  2. Once you have connected, join the #kde-soc channel (/join #kde-soc) and introduce yourself. DO NOT MENTION YOUR REAL NAME OR WHERE YOU LIVE. Explain that you are doing a beginner GCi task, and that to finish that, you need to talk to someone. You might ask questions that help you in your future tasks, as IRC is how many of us communicate on a daily basis. Be prepared to wait up to an hour for an answer. Connecting to the channel is not enough. Have a conversation about contributing to KDE software or doing your GCi tasks before leaving the channel.
  3. Submit a screenshot of the beginning or end of the conversation.

Task tags

  • irc

Students who completed this task

triplequantum, Faiza Kareem, KeshavBhatia, kknet, HARRY POTTER 2004, Jaidev2001, Nikknamei, TURX, AltheFlyer, LukaMag, EdgeKing810, Artyom Sotnikov, dijolin, Sunny619, insomania, Tyson, Lokesh, Akshit Sharma, FelenAmvrosiy, venktata karthik, SHANNU, KubekKro, TadByper, GY kundan kaarthik, Raj Kishore, Arun, Mehul Sharma, Dafydd, Rohid, SiriusKoan, Ishika G, Alex Lomo, Jatana, cidthekid, S.MD.Sameer, BrettyJames, SVK007, Ravi, Artemiy D, Onkar, Pratik Sinha, Olafus

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

