KDE Community

[KDE Connect] Write a blog about developing your own KDE-Connect plugin

You will need to be familiar with the KDE Connect code, for both the desktop and Android side parts to tackle this task! It's probably a good idea that you take some of the simpler KDE Connect tasks first.

Operations in KDE Connect involve interactions between its respective plugin in the desktop client and the android application. To complete this task, you'll have to write a simple plugin (eg: one that sends a notification from one app to another, does a simple action on the desktop, or something more complicated if you feel up to it :) and blog detailing the process of building your own plugin with screenshots and any challenges you encountered while building the same. Remember, do not mention your real name or where you live, as you are a minor and privacy is of utmost importance.

You can read more developing plugins here : https://cgit.kde.org/kdeconnect-kde.git/tree/plugins/README.txt

Task tags

  • kde
  • android
  • java
  • kdeconnect

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research