KDE Community

[KDE Connect] Align behaviour of the desktop app with the Android app

In the Android app we show paired and reachable devices in the drawer and all devices in the devices list. In the Kirigami app we show paired devices in the drawer and reachable devices in the devices list. The task is about aligning the behaviour of both by doing what we do on Android also in the Kirigami app.

The app QML code is within the app/qml folder. The interface is written in QML, a declarative UI language that is very easy to learn.

You can find instructions on how to build the app on https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect#Building_KDE_Connect_.28Desktop.29. To build the app a special build flag is required. To enable it run "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DEXPERIMENTALAPP_ENABLED=True .." from within the build directory. Then do "sudo make install"

You should make sure you can build the app first. There is a task for it! https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4772341729984512/

Task tags

  • kirigami
  • kde connect
  • qt
  • qml

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code