Create a survey to collect knowledge about the EMR among the people

You are expected to analyze the Medical Record system requirements among the people. So you are expected to use Google Forms to create a survey.

Survey Questions

  1. Have you known about Electronic Medical Record(EMR)? - YES/NO Question
  2. What do you think about an electronic medical record(EMR) system? - Simple Text Answer Question
  3. Have you seen, any electronic medical records systems before? - YES/NO Question
  4. What is your preferred way for a medical record management in a country? - Drop down questions [Options - Paper-based system, Electronic Medical Record System (EMR)]
  5. Do you know the OpenMRS? -  YES/NO Question
  6. Add any questions, which can collect about the EMR knowledge from people.


  • Dont's ask any personal information in the survey


Submission Steps

  1. Create a Google form with those questions mentioned above
  2. You need to submit the public link of the Google Form for your task evaluation
  3. Complete this task, and work on the task-00

After complete this task, you can continue work on this GCI-Task

Task tags

  • google forms
  • survey
  • data
  • emr

Students who completed this task

code, Sethu Senthil, Wei, KeshavBhatia, Ayman, coder.suyash, Sushmanth Teja, Monish, Swastika, Stasiek, Taru, Nishith, Santa Kaus, becaluedtke, vu le tung, Rithi, Gigi Quinn, jwzhang, jubel, IZKA, Saints1789, Hrishikesh, irinashemonaeva, Smit Rambhia, Harshithreddy, Priyansh Gupta, Kunal Goyal, Nihar Vyas, AshleyGo., Leader, Vishnu Vardhan, Aditya13, Arun, jayakanth, JAGESIA, mbanan, Naman Narula, iperez, jlang, JJ4ster, hanhi20, LoveU Emily, Balloones, Dhriti Verma, Shuaib, asifsadek, Nikodem Bernat, Prathamesh Mutkure, Ashwanth Kumar, katelawyer

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research