Research the UI issues in OpenMRS Ref Application 2.8.0
You are required to research the UI convention issues in the OpenMRS Ref Application 2.8.0. Please follow these steps to research the UI issues,
- Install the OpenMRS Ref Application in your local instance or go to []
- Pick one component from the Ref App. E.g, Patient Registration, Patient Search, System Information
- Research about the UI issues in that section
- Prepare a detailed design for that component based on the UI conventions and your ideas which can make more easy for the end user access
- Suggest any improvements to be made (would love if you could implement these on your own time as a separate task)
Submission Steps
- You only need to submit a PDF or public blog link which contains the new design for that selected component.
Final Work after the submission approved
Once your mentor reviewed and approved, then only add your ideas to this talk thread. You should mention the approved mentor name in the post there.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Satvik, Adrian S, Aditya13, lana, anuar2k, Aryu, qk313, Hrishikesh