Systematic UI Design for Patient Matching Report Generation

Come up with a good design for the Patient Matching Report Generating UI. For example, the attached image shows a lot of white spaces, as the solution you should try to reduce those white spaces re-designing it. You can use any freely available UI design tool for this task.

You task is to re-design the UI(which has been attached as an image) just by looking at it. If you want to to see the real interface you should follow the following steps.

  • Install the OpenMRS Ref Application in your local instance
  • Clone and build the Patient Matching Module
  • Upload the Patient Matching omod to the Ref Application
  • Go into the Patient Matching Module through Ref App

Task tags

  • design
  • ui
  • ux

Students who completed this task

Satvik, meg, Adrian S, Prathamesh Mutkure, Jyothsna Ashok, WZCoding

Task type

  • web Design