Write an article on OpenMRS & publish in a blog/web/forum

Write a descriptive article with more than 200 words about the OpenMRS project. The post can target any type of audience irrespective of their background, core interests or expertise level.

This post can contain the following,

  1. our aims
  2. goals
  3. how we are helping improve healthcare across resource poor settings
  4. our technology stack
  5. Links to various resources we host online (wiki, demo server, JIRA) etc.

Feel free to design the content of your post to however you wish. The suggestions above are just tips to help you get started. These do not exactly have to be followed.

And post it to your own public blog (could use [Medium|] or [Blogger|] to write one). Please post no personal information or pictures of yourself. Submit the link to the relevant article as a comment below.

Task tags

  • blog
  • once-per-student
  • outreach

Students who completed this task

Ananay, Meem Chowdhury, Prabal, tusharfurious, jubel, Nayana Vallamkondu, Amisha, Anirudh

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

