Create Infographic picture about OpenMRS Achievements

Refer to the history of OpenMRS and pick up some highlighted points and achievements over there. Then create the picture for these scenarios,

  • Consider all the achievements over the past years and architecture changes.
  • Provide a short description about those changes along with the years
  • Background and other images should be related to OpenMRS Background.

You can follow this sample image for the creation Example for inspiration

Share the file as an attachment or share the link to the shared file over Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

If you use the OpenMRS logo, please follow the OpenMRS logo policy

If you are using any 3rd party images to create the poster, please make sure they falls under creative commons license. Any assets (images, drawings, photos) which are licensed under Creative Commons, must have proper attribution.

Task tags

  • graphic design
  • infographic
  • design
  • outreach
  • research

Students who completed this task

Neelesh Ranjan, Satvik, Adrian S, PRAVEEN KUMAR SAHNI, jubel, Gigi Quinn, Rahul Arora

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research