Submit with 'enter' in the relationship editor in BookBrainz
This task will see you pick a ticket from our issue tracker; if you do not already have an account, you will need to create one. Assign this ticket to you, and use it to track your progress, write comments and ask questions.
On creating or editing an entity in BookBrainz (see a creation form), if a user clicks "Add relationship" to open the relationship editor and fills in both fields, they should be able to press the enter key to add the relationship (equivalent to clicking the "Add" button) for convenience. For comparison, pressing the escape key closes the modal (equivalent to clicking the "Close" button).
Follow the instructions on the BookBrainz site github repo to run a local development environment. When you are satisfied with your code, create a pull request ("PR"), comment on this task with a link to the PR that we will review.