MetaBrainz Foundation

Improve MusicBrainz report for releases with label named after artist

Self-released albums listed in MusicBrainz should be linked to the [no label] special purpose label rather than to an ad hoc label named after the release artist.

As requested in MBS-3685, the current implementation reports releases where label name is the same as artist name. However, releases may have multiple credited artists (for example, featured artists), and credited name is sometimes different from usual artist name.

Improve the current implementation by comparing label name with all of these other names. Releases where label name matches any of these names should be reported.

To complete the task, submit a pull request to our GitHub repository with a proper description mentioning the linked comment, and respond to any suggestions and requests by the MusicBrainz developers until the pull request is approved (you do not need to wait until it gets merged).

Task tags

  • musicbrainz
  • query
  • sql

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code