MetaBrainz Foundation

Improve description of MusicBrainz annotation field in release editor to mention licenses

MusicBrainz annotations are text fields, functioning like a miniature wiki, that can be added to any existing artists, labels, recordings, releases, release groups and works. This text is published by MusicBrainz under an open license, implying that copyrighted text should not be entered. While this is being made clear from the annotation editor, there is no warning about it in the release editor. There should be a mention about it in the right-sided bubble.

To complete the task, first propose a change to the description text. Once this has been approved by a mentor, submit a pull request to our GitHub repository with a proper description mentioning the linked ticket, and respond to any suggestions and requests by the MusicBrainz developers until the pull request is approved (you do not need to wait until it gets merged).

Task tags

  • musicbrainz
  • documentation
  • template toolkit
  • annotation
  • license

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training