MetaBrainz Foundation

Create a daily MusicBrainz report of places without geographic coordinates

Places in MusicBrainz are used to document where a recording or a concert has/will take place. Beyond the area and the address, exact geographic coordinates can be entered. These coordinates are often missing while it could be retrieved from external link.

Create a daily report of places missing geographic coordinates in MusicBrainz. It helps editors with finding such places and improving metadata!

To complete the task, submit a pull request to our GitHub repository with a proper description mentioning the linked ticket, and respond to any suggestions and requests by the MusicBrainz developers until the pull request is approved (you do not need to wait until it gets merged).

Task tags

  • musicbrainz
  • geolocation
  • sql
  • template toolkit
  • perl

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code