The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Complete the content migration from the old to the new ns-3 website

The ns-3 project website has been recently redesigned with a new static template based on Jekyll. Some pages of the previous website, however, have not been migrated to the new website yet. In this task, you will study the structure of the olde website and migrate a page with contente that is missing from the new website. The old website can be found here The new website content is hosted on gitlab - open a Merge request to add (or edit) a page. A wiki in the procedure is here We also created a google doc with a list of the pages that have already been migrated as part of this GCI task. Please check it before start working on a certain page, and add the URL of the page to the doc so that other users will avoid choosing the same page

Task tags

  • website
  • jekyll
  • markdown

Students who completed this task

Parth Pratim

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research