The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Creation testing for Release Model in ns-3 AppStore

This task is aimed at developing a test suite for ns-3 AppStore. Students can use the baseline code present in this file.

The AppTestCase class in the file tests the App model in the AppStore. Students are expected to do the following:

  1. Create a new class, ReleaseTestCase, similar to AppTestCase. Populate all the fields in Release Model (Look at for reference).
  2. Add a test_release_created function in the class to assert on every field populated.
  3. Submit the diff on GCI dashboard

Note: Follow the steps in the wiki to setup the repository locally. You can run python test to run the tests and verify your code.

Task tags

  • python

Students who completed this task

Parth Pratim, Asanali, sikfeng, bartekche, Victor Hu

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance