The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Print the values of the variables in using gdb (GNU Debugger)

Print the values of variables used in a C++ program ‘’ using gdb (GNU Debugger). The program can be found in examples/tcp. Copy this program in scratch folder and follow the steps given below to start debugging a program using gdb in ns-3:

  1. Copy from examples/tcp to scratch
  2. Configure and build ns-3.
  3. Execute command: ./waf shell
  4. Execute command: gdb build/scratch/star
  5. Print the values of variables: nSpokes and port using gdb

Provide the snapshots at each step for evaluation of the completed task.

You can refer to the video for introduction to gdb

Reference to gdb commands

Task tags

  • debugging
  • gdb
  • coding

Students who completed this task

Parth Pratim, Asanali, Victor Hu, sikfeng, Parth Pandya, Phyxkal, bartekche, FelenAmvrosiy

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training