Sugar Labs

Integration of viewer.js into SugarLabs_Social

Integration of Viewer.js into SugarLabs_social

Project: Sugar Labs Social

  • The Posts, profile, and blogs includes images which should be zoomed in on click.
  • Viewer.js is a js plugin which could serve for this problem.

Expected Behavior

  • On clicking Images should be zoomed in.
  • There should be a close button to close the zoomed image.
  • It should be Responsive across the Devices with different screen size.

Current Behavior

  • There is no interaction on click
  • There is no option to zoom in and view the image.

Expected Solution

  • Viewer.js should be integrated with Posts, Blogs and user profile Images.
  • The required Html file is available in Templates folder of The Project, The CSS and js file is available in Static folder.
  • It should work everywhere across the Project.

Task tags

  • javascript
  • html

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code