Sugar Labs

Music Blocks Collaspible OscTime block

The osctime block (AKA Milliseconds block) behaves like the newnote block (AKA Note block) except that rather than taking a note value (1/2, 1/4, 1/8...) as an input, it takes a time in MS.

The newnote block is collapsible, e.g., it will collapse all of its content into a single block and use a label that identifies the collapsed content, e.g., Do 4 | 1/4

This task is to do the same for the osctime block. Making it collapsible is straightforward: just add it to the inLineCollapsible list.

The tricky bit is to generate the proper label. The newnote code can be used as a model.

As usual, please submit a Pull Request with your changes.

Task tags

  • javascript

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Task type

  • code Code