Sugar Labs

Music Blocks Block Help

We have a mechanism (right click) for displaying help in context in Music Blocks. There are help strings defined for every block (See turtledefs.j) You'll see a dictionary with an entry for each block name. The entry itself is a list: [description, directory name, image name], where description is the aforementioned help string. directory name is documentation, which is where we keep the images used for help. The image name is in most cases, 'status.svg', which is a placeholder.

This task is to create images for 3 different blocks, showing them used in context. Some examples include beatcount.svg and conditional.svg.

Once you create the images, update the entry in turtledefs.js to the proper file name and make a Pull Request with all of your changes.

Note that the same image might be suitable context for more than one block. In the beatcount.svg example, it shows how the beatcount block is used, but also how the oneverybeat block is used.

Finally, if you run Music Blocks in "Advanced" mode, there is a save option that exports the block artwork as SVG... very handy for creating documentation.

Task tags

  • musicblocks

Students who completed this task

Ashnidh, Aadam Lokhandwala, sdziuda, Mayank Singh

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training