JBoss Community

Introduction To Django: Write a blog

You need to study django, setup the environment and learn about basic operations(GET,POST,PUT,etc) and write a blog on basis of your understanding and research.

Your blog can include points like:

  • Intro to Django
  • Applications
  • Setting up the environment
  • Describe usage of basic operations

Post your blog on medium.com or any other site that you like.

Submission Requirements:

  • Link to your blog

Links you can refer:

Task tags

  • blog
  • django

Students who completed this task

titanMx, moodiabdoul, dolphingirl, Sai Vittal B, qk313, sriramdasavage, HarshHC, Compilation Error, Anshu24, Baftek, Wane Nwani, Raghav Awasthi, Mudit Arora, Lulzsec, Saba Khukhunashvili, crowded.geek, Sidhya Tikku, Ruslan, Guneet Sasan, shiv01, Tavleen Kaur, Madhav Mehndiratta, RMTheOne, ribhavsharma

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research