JBoss Community

Add a navigation bar [Certificate Generator FrontEnd]

For this task, you are required to make a proper left vertical bootstrapped navigation for the Certificate Generator Frontend.

The navigation bar should have elements like:

  1. View your certificates
  2. Generate certificates
  3. About Certificate Generator
  4. Sign out

The navigation bar should be responsive and highly creative. You can add all sorts of styling to make it appear better.

Create a PR submitting your changes.

5 instances are being created for this task, only one will be merged. If work is good, task will be accepted even if not merged

Submission requirements:

  • Link to PR
  • Also add screenshots of your changes in the PR description

Task tags

  • html
  • css
  • js

Students who completed this task

Sidhya Tikku, Makotek, James N, Saba Khukhunashvili

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design