JBoss Community

Wireframe for signup page of Certificate Generator.

Create a wireframe for signup page of the application. It should contain 5 fields namely username, email id, signing up as student or certificate issuer, set a password and confirm the password. Two buttons, signup and reset also an option if a user exists redirection to the login page. You can make use of tools like draw.io for the same. Feel free to use color combinations, elements placement on the page also keeping in mind the responsiveness of the page and similar elements placement.

Useful Links:



  • Add the Wireframes to the Readme and send a PR for the same, containing all the designs.
  • Make sure to follow Contribution Guidelines.

Next Steps:

  1. Wireframe for the dashboard page.

Task tags

  • certificate generator
  • wireframe
  • signup page

Students who completed this task

ribhavsharma, Makotek, HarshHC, Sidhya Tikku, Pabisovsky

Task type

  • web Design