JBoss Community

Don't allow the user to perform any action if not logged in : Lead Management Android

Right now, if a user isn't logged in, they are still able to browse the app and perform some action, which result in a failure. So let's disable any actions for them until they have logged in.



  • Don't let the user interact with the app unless they have logged in
  • If a user manages to get past without logging in, redirect them to the login page once they perform any action.


  • The submission has to done by giving out a Pull Request to the Lead Management Repository.
  • Make sure to follow Contribution Guidelines.

Students who completed this task

pranav, ribhavsharma, Baftek, Aditya Dhanraj, Maier Ilya, Saba Khukhunashvili, Raghav Awasthi, crowded.geek, Sidhya Tikku, alexberti02, HarshHC, oussema, titanMx, Sai Vittal B

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance