JBoss Community

Create Django models corresponding to database collections in MongoDB - Visiting card server

In this task, you'll need to analyse visiting card android application and find which fields will be required in each of the collections and create Django models in the visiting card app and register them for admins.


  1. Study how this application will work from here
  2. (We will use three collections here User, card and droped_card)Decide what fields are required in the collection user and in the collection card.
  3. Fork this repository
  4. Edit model.py. Add fields in ORM classes which you analysed in step 2.
  5. Register those models in admin.py.

Note: While designing the database you have to keep in mind that we are going to perform location-based searching on it so make sure database design is such that searching can be performed at it best. You can always ask for help if you find it hard to understand the project

Task tags

  • python
  • mongodb
  • django
  • nosql
  • database

Students who completed this task

Saba Khukhunashvili

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research