JBoss Community

Introduction to Linux Distros

Linux is an open-source operating system which comes in different flavours. Everyone has his own taste some like using a distro with wide support like Ubuntu and Fedora, Some love bleeding edge technology like Arch. Some distros are known for their hacking tools like Kali, some are known for their light weight and small size like DSL. Each distro comes with its own speciality and drawbacks.

Your task is to install and get familiar with some Linux distribution and do some research on its merits/limitations and write a blog about your experience with that distribution.

A blog may contain ideas like requirements, installation guide, normal problems you faced during installation (also solution of those problems), few top thing you would recommend doing after installing that distro (may include some software to be installed, customisations), package managers available, normal issues you faced (like some distros face issues with Nvidia drivers and wireless drivers), best Desktop environment you discovered for that distribution, anything that makes it unique.

It is quite common to face problems while beginning with some distro. So your blog can be somewhat like sharing experience and views about how and what can a user do to make his experience with that distro better.

Submission Requirements:

  • Screenshot of the terminal window of the linux distribution
  • Link to your blog

Task tags

  • blog
  • explore
  • open source software
  • linux

Students who completed this task

Shreerang, Freyam, Sashakt keshri

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research

