JBoss Community

Get started with API: Creating a location based weather forecasting webapp

You are required to make a weather forecasting web app using OpenWeatherMap. You could either use Geolocation of the user or have the user manually enter his location (or both!). Weather data like current temperature, wind, rainfall need to be displayed.

Use your creativity to enhance the look of the webpage.

Create a new repository on github and host the app on github pages.

Submission Requirements:

  • Link to your hosted github pages repository.

Resources: https://openweathermap.org/api


Task tags

  • api
  • html
  • css

Students who completed this task

Rico Zhu, Makotek, sh4dowb, Ondrca, Sai Vittal B, HussainArif, deleteyboi, Lint, Newe, yannismate, maksi069, pranav, Visheshc, Saba Khukhunashvili, Hydrophobefireman, Sidhya Tikku, ayanokouji, ant15, ribhavsharma, valentina tironi, Saksham, SphericalPotatoInVacuum, UA, Arek123113

Task type

  • code Code