JBoss Community

Wireframes for GCI 2018 Website of JBoss Community

For this task, you need to create a wireframe for the official Google Code-In 2018 website for the JBoss Community.

The website will contain the following sections:

  1. Introduction of JBoss
  2. Mentors
  3. Contributors
  4. Projects
  5. Any other creativity you wish to add

We are open to suggestions from your side on the design of the website.

Use your imagination and creativity to think about what more features/sections can be added to the website.

The best and viable design will be finalized for the final website.

You can make use of tools like draw.io or any other software of your choice. Feel free to use color combinations, elements placement on the page also keeping in mind the responsiveness of the page and similar elements placement.

Useful Links:



  • Add the Wireframes to the Readme under "Wireframes" heading at the bottom of the readme.
  • Create a new branch and send a Pull request, give us the link to your pull request here.
  • Attach preview images in the PR description
  • Make sure to follow Contribution Guidelines.

Task tags

  • wireframe
  • design

Students who completed this task

ant15, ribhavsharma, moodiabdoul, Saba Khukhunashvili, Raghav Awasthi, RMTheOne, Sai Vittal B, Sidhya Tikku, HarshHC

Task type

  • web Design