JBoss Community
Let's make it easy to catch errors - Lead Management Android
Catch every corner cases (as many as possible) in the app which may lead to an error, try to resolve it and show it to the user letting them know what went wrong!
- follow code design guidelines
- do not break other code
- errors can be shown using SnackBars, Toasts, Alert Dialogs, etc.
Useful Links:
- [GitHub repo link]: https://github.com/JBossOutreach/lead-management-android
- make a PR on GitHub Repository
- add screenshots here
- add PR link here
- Reach out to us on Gitter channel.
10 instances are being created for this task. Only one will be merged but if work is good enough, the task will be accepted even if not merged.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
oussema, Baftek, Michael, Maier Ilya, Saba Khukhunashvili, Raghav Awasthi, RMTheOne, crowded.geek, Sidhya Tikku, Sai Vittal B