JBoss Community
App Shortcuts in Lead Management Android
Add app shortcuts to Lead Management Android app so users will be able to quickly add new contact by long-clicking app icon. Please keep in mind that this feature is only supported on API Level 25 (Nougat 7.1) or higher. For more information, you can visit https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/shortcuts/ . You are also allowed to use open-source libraries, like Shortbread https://github.com/MatthiasRobbers/shortbread
Submission Requirement: -> A pull request to Lead Management Android App -> A video/gif of the task
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Students who completed this task
ant15, oussema, Baftek, Michael, Maier Ilya, crowded.geek, Raghav Awasthi, Sai Vittal B, Sidhya Tikku, yannismate, HarshHC, titanMx, alexberti02