JBoss Community

Setup Django environment and connect to mongoDB - Visiting card server

This is a practice task to make you familiar with Django and mongoDb working together.

  1. You need to setup Django environment and connect it to MongoDB using "djongo"(yes it is djongo and not django)
  2. Create a basic app which should display "hello world" at URL "/hello" using mongoDB(In short string "hello world" should come from mongoDB)
Note: you are supposed to create a model with only a single field and register the model for admin. Then you can manually insert "hello world" into DB using admin panel and display this data to URL "/hello" by fetching it.

Submission Requirement:

  • Your Github Repo Link
  • screenshot of default landing page of django
  • screenshot of "hello world" page


Task tags

  • python
  • mongodb
  • django

Students who completed this task

pranav, Saba Khukhunashvili

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training