JBoss Community

Create a logo for Certificate Generator

Create a logo for the certificate generator project. Use various color combinations, attractive designs. You can make use of tools like draw.io for the same. Submission should include the logo in various sizes suitable to be used on dashboards, as a favicon etc

Useful Links:



  • PR for the same, containing all the images.
  • Make sure to follow Contribution Guidelines.

Next Steps:

  1. Wireframes for signup/login page.
  2. Wireframe for the dashboard page.

Task tags

  • logo creation
  • certificate generator

Students who completed this task

Pabisovsky, Nitin Nataraj, ribhavsharma, Makotek, crowded.geek, Raghav Awasthi, Arun, Sidhya Tikku, HarshHC

Task type

  • web Design