Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)
[ExpressJS] Setup/Install ExpressJS
The goal of this task is to Setup/Install ExpressJS environment in the local system. To check the version of express use command ''express --version" or npm list --depth=0 (Linux-Ubuntu OS preferred)
Task Deliverables: Submit a screenshot of the console/terminal of your machine, displaying the version of ExpressJS
Task tags
Students who completed this task
@DarkZeus@, Gorix, mysticalpanda, Muhammad Ijlal Hasan, Jeri V, AlifA, Uttara Bahad, Yash Kedia, Yuza, PierreIsHere, 71e6fd52, Makhdumfarid, Veradis, farihaaskar, Ben.mue, Jonathan Goh, Dmitriy Rekhlitskiy, Anika Mittal, suryansh2004, Hydrophobefireman, N13, Hồ Đức Hiếu, Deepsthiru76, jmularski