Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)
[Stackle] Setup Node.js and npm
The goal of this task is to Setup/Install Node and Node Package Manager(NPM) environment in the local system. To check the version of node use command 'node -v' and to check the version of npm use command 'npm -v'. (Linux-Ubuntu OS preferred)
Task Deliverables: Submit a document containing the detailed description of the setup along with 2-3 pictures of the process. And Screenshot of the console/terminal of your machine, displaying the version of npm and node both.
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Students who completed this task
Willy, PixelHir, @DarkZeus@, echooff, fadhilmail, Leafthanded, tessera, raisilham, Habibul Fauzan, kyin20, Catheline, suspended31, Yohannes, Eko, EsaAw, Luffy, MaryamUsman, Ibnu Fachrizal, Rizal, amin4udin, Daniel kurniyadi, marfgold1, DamianDe, RohanCode, gabchang, Wahyu, MrFatoni, Surya Rizky Basri, Ikhsan, Idan