Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)
[Senz] Setup Senz server and run tests
Setup senz server and run tests. Provide screenshots for each step.
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Install pre-requisites
- Run tests Repository URL:
Task Deliverables: Screenshots of each step
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Anurag Parida, Nithika, Fizaan, kunalbhatia, Łukasz Myśliwiec, Arvind Choudhary, Cr00kedAlchemist, Manish Varrier, geekykid, Vikram, Edwin L., Sanyam, Swaroop, Makhdumfarid, Dilshan Ratnayake, Gaurav Pandey, Yashvender Poswal, Tanvi, FelenAmvrosiy, simcard0000, amin4udin, Geethmaka Dissanayake, Hồ Đức Hiếu, malverick, jmularski, Kalyan, Nklayman, RohanCode, VORLD, Ashish Agrahari, Yash Garg, SHn