Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)
[GoCloud] Fork and Clone GoCloud
Fork the gocloud repository using the url given in the references. Then clone the forked repository and upload a screenshot of the cloning process along with the url of the forked repository.
Task Deliverables: Upload forked repo url and a screenshot of the cloning process in your machine.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Adarsh Pratap, Lakshay, Tiago Costa, Sparks, kunalbhatia, Akshit Goyal, Rohan S, Jayasahan, Thisu, TomGao, Pranay Chaplot, Taru, Manish Varrier, Tanmay, sudhanshu, ethanl33, Swaroop, Hasalu, vidhibajaj, TheYkk, Examply, Vishv, tahsinamio, Deep Chandra, Gaurav Pandey, Shubham2607, Leh Xuan, SarthakCode, Jeewal Kunwar