Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)

[Outreach] Present a talk on Open-Source Contribution and SCoRe Lab.

Gather your friends and colleagues, and explain to them what is Open-Source, what are the benefits of contributing to Open-Source. Tell them about SCoRe Lab Organisation and its projects. Take a video or photographs of the talk and share it on Facebook or Twitter. Write a blog post about your experience.

Task Deliverables: You have to mention the link of the blog post.

Task tags

  • social media
  • scorelab
  • open-source

Students who completed this task

Anurag Parida, Hồ Đức Hiếu, Sanyam, RohanCode, kunalbhatia, Geethmaka Dissanayake, Manish Varrier

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research