Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)

[Nodecloud] Create example projects for Nodecloud

Nodecloud provides you with the ability to work with multiple cloud providers. In this task, the objective is for you to create example projects using NodeCloud.

Few Examples:

  1. How to create Virtual Machines in AWS and GCP using NodeCloud.
  2. How to create storage in cloud and upload files using NodeCloud

There are countless possibilities and all you have to do is;

  1. Fork and clone
  2. Create a directory with your example name. EX: nodecloud-cloud-virtual-machines
  3. Develop your sample application
  4. Add nodemodules to .gitignore 5 Open a pull request with the new project.

Task tags

  • examples
  • nodecloud

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training