Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)

[Git] Fork and clone a repository

The task is to

  1. Fork a repository of ScoRe Lab and add the link of your forked repository as proof
  2. Clone the forked repository on your machine and attach a screenshot. This should clearly contain the git commands that you have run

Task Deliverables: Upload screenshots

Task tags

  • git

Students who completed this task

Willy, Coding Guru, Harsh Tripathi, Shweta M, Pratham, PanMichael, Jain.rishabh2807, IsMan, Szymon, Yahya, Santa Kaus, arhaan2003, iam, imanoob, Pixel Guy, socho, Anonimbus, Dilshan Ratnayake, KarimMohamed2005, jamesrupa, Yash Verma, sam.ahs, rohanssrao, majawa, Brady, maitreyee_03, Swami, Soups, Risyad, asdera, SharpAngel, Hafnia Vasilyevna, vikramkaushik, Siddharth Dushantha, Kkunwar, Thivedraan, CalixTang, shobiha, Geethmaka Dissanayake, Joonsoo, supermarcos007, Daniel Milnes, rishabhjain9968, 三銃士, Abhijith G, Avtara, duongoku, Adhyan Dhull, Ignacio Illanes, Cyberbot, Martin Jham, rzemykki, v01d, UK, ssetia19, Shlok, Ezioleq, Qiang Jiayuan, Yash Garg, Chiragmk13

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

