Sustainable Computing Research Lab (SCoRe)

[DroneSym] Write unit tests for DroneSym Node.js API


  1. Fork and Clone DroneSym from its original repository.
  2. Follow the instructions given in the project repository README to setup and run DroneSym on your system.
  3. Read and understand the code properly.
  4. Write a unit test to a function that doesn't have a unit test yet.
  5. Commit your changes to the develop branch and make a pull request to the original repository.

Task Deliverables: Submit a link to the pull request made.

Task tags

  • javascript
  • coding
  • nodejs

Students who completed this task

Ben.mue, Anurag Parida, jmularski, Sanyam, kunalbhatia, Łukasz Myśliwiec, Gaurav Pandey, Palash, Geethmaka Dissanayake

Task type

  • code Code