AOSSIE - Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education

[CarbonFootprint-Action] Research on best conversational design practices and report the shortcomings in the Action

Google has laid down the guidelines for the best UX design practices for how an Assistant Action conversation should be designed.

Follow the given link and research through the conversation guidelines:

Test the Action and create 3 issues stating how the Action doesn't meet a recommended guideline. Make sure you include a link to the guideline and also suggest what the best resolution for the same be. Prefix the issue title by [UX]. Avoid duplicates - an issue if already reported will not be considered. So look for existing issues with [UX] prefix and make sure it's not a duplicate.

The issue is to be created here:

Task tags

  • design
  • ux
  • research

Students who completed this task

MLarionov, Trzyq

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research