AOSSIE - Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education

[ CarbonFootPrint-Mobile ]youtube video on setting up project

now that you have successfully completed setting up the project but for new contributors they are failing in setting up the project we don’t want to loose them so your job is to create a youtube video from which you can help other devs to setup project

Resources : For getting started please go through if you already knew it)

For best implementation of this task : You can try watching some setting up projects videos, in youtube from some of the best youtubers you can inspire from theirt editing

Softwares you may need : Any screencast software you like Use webcam also if you can create more UX Any editing software you are comfortable with

Problems and Expected solutions : Once you completed setting up the project there will be no problems I hope. feel free to ask mentors if you have any doubts about creating video

Expected outcome : Youtube video from which every contributor knows how to setup project.Update the readme file with a link to your youtube video

Task tags

  • git
  • youtube
  • react-native

Students who completed this task

Simran Singh

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research