AOSSIE - Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education

[MTW] New Quizzing feature

As of the status, for accessing the quizzing feature, users have to go to the “Options Page” of the extension. This is not efficient because may be unable to find it or may not be ready to devote time to taking tests alone. The unique appeal of Mind The Word is that users do not have to specifically take out time to learn a language and can learn on the go while surfing the web. Thus the quizzing feature of the extension must be spontaneous as well.

Implementation :

Once the user has marked a word as “learnt”, the word will be available for tests. The next time the user encounters the word on a web page, the word will be specially highlighted. The user would have to choose the correct translation from the Hover-Card, within the web-page he/she is viewing.

Task tags

  • javascript
  • advanced

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code