AOSSIE - Australian Open Source Software Innovation and Education

[Agora Web] Disable the other sign-in and sign-up option when one is being executed

Agora Web supports two methods for signin and signup. Traditional email based method and social provider authentication. The task consist of disabling the other option when one is being executed. For example if the user decided to signin with facebook, as authentication is going on the other traditional email based method should be disabled and vice versa.

Steps to Take:

  • Create a new branch in your fork to solve this issue.
  • Fix the issue.
  • Push all the changes to your new branch and create a merge request


  • Basic knowledge of git.

  • A working Agora-web development environment.
  • Basic knowledge in chrome/firefox developer tools

    Expected Outcome:

  • A merged merge requests."

Task tags

  • front-end
  • html
  • angular
  • css

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code