pgRouting: workshop page with hanoslav example
Before you do this task do:
- pgRouting: Workshop first task [0]
- Fork and clone https://github.com/pgRouting/workshop
- Create a branch that matches your github name
The example of Dijkstra Algorithm on hanoslav.net can be solved using the following code:
The task is to create a = "hanosiav_example.rst" for the pgRouting workshop that includes the graph, the code, link to Hanoslav.net and the license.
- Make sure you are working on the branch created on pgRouting: Workshop first task [0]
- cd docs/source/chapters/
- Browse the workshop http://workshop.pgrouting.org/2.4.11/en/index.html
- Look for a chapter that might suit you to edit
cp <exisiting_file.rst> <new_file.rst>
- copy/paste the hanoslav_demo.sql contents in the
an re-organize. Use sphinx to format. - git add
- Commit your work using the task tittle as comment: git commit -m ' '
- Push your work: git push
- Make a Pull Request to https://github.com/pgRouting/workshop
- Sphinx adding code documentation.
- Sphinx adding images documentation.
- Example Sphinx page:
- This "documentation code": https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgRouting/workshop/master/docs/source/chapters/shortest_path.rst
- Generates this page: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/2.4.11/en/chapters/shortest_path.html
- IRC osgeo-gsoc channel on freenode
- https://gitter.im/pgRouting/pgrouting
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Jerry Huang, Jason Wong-1