Sustainable Computing Research Group (SCoRe)

Write a blog post on your experience with SCoRe in GCI

We love to hear about your journey with us in GCI. Write a blog post about all your experience and unforgettable memories. You can use the following structure if you like,

  1. About you and your experience with contributing to Open Source
  2. How you contributed to SCoRe while GCI, what you did and everything you learned.
  3. How was your experience with SCoRe and SCoRe mentors
  4. Will you continue to contribute to SCoRe and to the open source community and why
  5. Any final remarks

Nothing is not worth mentioning, every small story matters, we love to hear them all.

Task tags

  • blog

Students who completed this task

Alexius Adhitya K., Kalyan C, Padam Chopra, Adhyan Dhull, Mehant Kammakomati, Azis Naufal, Shlok J, Moses Paul, Gaurav

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training