Liquid Galaxy project

Review the Liquid Galaxy core installation

On the following repository you will find the core of every LG distribution that we have made on our LABS. We would like to investigate how difficult is this installation and it should be changed it. Try to install a LG distribution on minimum 2 PC or virtual machines. The procedures are well enough described to get further as you can. Try to go ahead until you get stucked and inform us about your problems or how do you think will be able to improve the installation.

Deliverable is a 2 page shared Google doc sent to us at describing the experience, possible errors, bugs, etc

Task tags

  • github
  • installation
  • bug

Students who completed this task

Tarun Ravi, Terence Chan Zun Mun, Shruti Singh, Surya

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance