JBoss Community

Poster for invitation to work with JBoss Community for GCI

Create a poster using open source tools like GIMP

  • Should Contain theme of open source and coding.
  • Should reflect on Google Code In
  • Should reflect on JBoss Community

Also after acceptance of poster, post on social media of choice with caption related to inviting your friends to with JBoss Community for GCI

Students who completed this task

Jayasahan Hansana, Divyansh Kulshreshtha, Abhay kumar, Noor Ul Aiyaad Shah, Akhilesh Bhasale, Rhythm Mehta, Sachin Rammoorthy, KAMAL, Saba Khukhunashvili, Siddharth Gaur, Vishwas Adiga, Andrej Velichkovski, LAZ, Pranav Chauhan, Giri Prasetyo, Sidhya Tikku, Shambhavi Shukla, Anhai Wang, Aniol Vicens Lloret, Joel Arrey

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research