Design a splash screen

BRL-CAD's newest modeling GUI (named Archer) displays a splash screen when you start the program. This is what it currently looks like:

We like to refresh this splash screen every major release. If you make something nice, we might just use yours next. The one above was designed by a student participating in GCI. Make yours look even more impressive, artistically interesting. ;)

Your task is to design a completely new splash screen that is visually interesting, optionally incorporates our new logo (available at, and optionally references our main website (

You can also check out other design tasks for inspiration, but you must create your own artwork:

SUBMIT a png image of your design. We also would appreciate if you submit your raw working files too (e.g., psd), preferably something with layers in case we need to change anything

Task tags

  • graphic art
  • gui
  • design
  • photoshop/gimp

Students who completed this task

Rainer Regan, Vinh Mai-1, Jonathan Filbert, Hubert Sobczński, Mayank Agrawal, Naseef, Stefan Smeu, Amriyono Maju Ompusunggu, Jarmusz, Mahdi Dolatabadi, Èric Ros Vendrell, Georgiy Deribas

Task type

  • web Design