Model a chess board

Create a 3D model of a chess board. Model just the board (not the chess pieces themselves, there are other tasks for them) using standard 2.25" (57mm) chessboard squares and whatever border decoration or styling you desire. You can use the checker shader or directly model each square on a base. (See the wiki or search the web for BRL-CAD shader information.)

BRL-CAD provides several ways to model 3D geometry including a graphical tool named mged, another named archer, and various ways to create geometry using scripts. Create your model using BRL-CAD, not via import. Create one top-level combination to group everything together.

Start with some MGED tutorials if you haven't yet, which are a separate task! You can learn the basics of 3D modeling in just an hour or two.

SUBMIT a PNG image, your geometry in BRL-CAD ".g" file format, and a text explaining how&why you made your model the way that you did.

Task tags

  • 3d modeling

Students who completed this task

Aryaman Mohapatra, Atharv Tiwari, Mitesh Gulecha, Tai Yuan Ze, Mitali Naigaonkar, Michal Hanus, Jeff Sieu

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance