BRL-CAD Alternative GUI 2: Hook in a BRL-CAD Library

  • Add the brlcad.dll, coreinterface.dll (MS Windows), or (Linux, ...) to the build environment of your Qt program (see the "Build the brlcad.dll Example" or "Build BRL-CAD's core C++ interface" tasks for more information about these libs),
  • Open a BRL-CAD database of your choice (you may hardcode the name of the database file),
  • Get the title from the database (you may use the code from the PrintTitle.cpp), and
  • Print it on the Qt window.

When you are done, please upload

  • A zip file with your CMake configuration and your source code and
  • A screen shot of the Qt program window

to the GCi task.

Task tags

  • qt
  • c++

Students who completed this task

Gonzalo UrĂ¡n, Michal Hanus, Naseef, Mahdi Dolatabadi, caleb Parks, Jeff Sieu

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design