
Write a tutorial - Enable the Livepatch service

This task is to create a tutorial which will be published on https://tutorials.ubuntu.com.

The details of this specific tutorial (there are many other tutorial tasks) are below.


  • Ubuntu 16.04 or above
  • A GitHub account and basic git knowledge

It is highly recommended that you complete the Beginner task: ‘Read the How-to tutorial’ to familiarise yourself with how the tutorial sources work, and how the end result will look - part of this task will require you to test the tutorial you have written by building a local copy of the tutorials site.

As explained in the Beginner task, the text, source and build tools for tutorials are hosted on GitHub at the following location: https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com

The following link will take you to a GitHub ‘issue’ that describes your assigned task: https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/issues/440

GitHub issues are used to track the progress of your assigned task, from initial discussion, problem solving and feedback, through to the merge of your tutorial into the repository.

Other useful resources for completing this task:

Task tags

  • kernel
  • livepatch
  • server

Students who completed this task

Konrad Krawiec

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

